Product Planner

Every company building a hardware product will face the need to estimate its future manufacturing related costs.
If you have done it before, or if you have surrounded yourself with experts, you might have that visibility.
But what if you are new at this game?
You certainly know how many units you want to make. You also (hopefully) have a manufacturing strategy and know what you want to outsource, where, and what payment terms you want to negotiate.
And you should also have frozen your design and therefore have a complete BOM (with costs, lead times, and possibly MOQ).
But how does it all come together? What does it all mean for the time it will take you to build and start selling your product? How much capital do you need access to?
Enters the Enging - Hardware Product Planner (HPP). Using the costliest and most common manufacturing ramp-up phases (such as RFQ, Auditing, Testing, Packaging, Manufacturing, Certification, Registration, Shipping, etc.), the data from your BOM, and common values for lead time and costs based on our decades of experience, the Hardware Product Planner can graph your Cash Flow during ramp-up. It can also give you visibility on how your BOM costs are shared between different categories of parts and components.

Data is fully customizable. Updating the input as you get more information and quotes will make the graphs more accurate.
We encourage you to take it for a spin, let us know how you use it and what you would like to see next.
And of course, if you prefer the warmth of a human expert to improve the experience and to help you customize the input, we would be happy to create a custom engagement.
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